Tag Archives: theatre

After Every Man, second edition

Patrick Neher - After Every Man for Clarinet, Violin, Double Bass and Piano

Now Available is the Second Edition of Patrick Neher’s 2016 composition, AFTER EVERY MAN for clarinet, violin, contrabass, and piano. This six movement piece is subtitled “Theatrical Scenes” and is a 27 minute drama describing human emotional terraces. Any one movement can be performed separately but is intended to be together as a whole, dramatic performance. Via the composition, the composer attempts to musically describe and connect the audience with numerous states of deep contemplation and emotion that many humans go through in their life, from “contentment” to “absolution.” Influences of Shostokovich, Stravinsky, and jazz are apparent.

Patrick Neher says; “The piece announced itself, and I heard the themes in a very vivid dream that I had one night in the Spring of 2016. I awoke and wrote down the themes as fast as possible!”

The piece is available with full piano score, clarinet, violin and contrabass parts. See the Contrabass in Chamber Music page for purchase.

NEW RELEASE: Affinità Ferrose – Michele Bernabei

The third composition in our new performance music series, Continually Advancing Music (CAM) is Affinità Ferosse for Piano Trio by young Italian composer Michele Bernabei. Affinitá ferrose is loosely translated into English as “an affinity for iron” or “magnetic attraction.” The music is energetic and very dynamic with challenge of a moderate nature for all instruments. Some “extended techniques” are used, but in general it is the interesting rhythms, dynamic range, pitch range, and counterpoint that the listener will find compelling and attractive (just like iron to a magnet)! The piece is not very long and the composer states that it’s drama fits well at the end of a contemporary music performance, as the finale or as an encore. ISG Publications is excited to publish the work as a wonderful new addition to the piano trio repertory.

Michele Bernabei is an accomplished jazz trumpet player and composer. He earned a BM in trumpet at the Conservatory “N.Paganini” of Genoa and an MM degree with full marks in jazz arranging and composition at the Conservatory “G. Verdi” of Turin, Italy. He studied composition at the Conservatory of Turin with Giorgio Colombo Taccani and in parallel at the “Scuola di Alto Perfezionamento Musicale” of Fiesole with Fabio Vacchi. At the same time he received the ABRSM diploma in String Orchestra Direction under the guidance of Fabrizio Dorsi. His compositional language is influenced both by jazz, improvised music, and the theater.

Purchase the SHEET MUSIC here.