Tag Archives: clarinet

After Every Man, second edition

Patrick Neher - After Every Man for Clarinet, Violin, Double Bass and Piano

Now Available is the Second Edition of Patrick Neher’s 2016 composition, AFTER EVERY MAN for clarinet, violin, contrabass, and piano. This six movement piece is subtitled “Theatrical Scenes” and is a 27 minute drama describing human emotional terraces. Any one movement can be performed separately but is intended to be together as a whole, dramatic performance. Via the composition, the composer attempts to musically describe and connect the audience with numerous states of deep contemplation and emotion that many humans go through in their life, from “contentment” to “absolution.” Influences of Shostokovich, Stravinsky, and jazz are apparent.

Patrick Neher says; “The piece announced itself, and I heard the themes in a very vivid dream that I had one night in the Spring of 2016. I awoke and wrote down the themes as fast as possible!”

The piece is available with full piano score, clarinet, violin and contrabass parts. See the Contrabass in Chamber Music page for purchase.

Trio ‘Mimi’ for clarinet, violin, & double bass

mimi1Trio ‘Mimi’ for clarinet, violin, and double bass, by Patrick Neher is playfully described as a “mini-operetta.”  It combines three character roles (where each player must speak and/or sing a bit – along with skillfully playing their instrument) in a short drama about Mimi, the cat. Trio ‘Mimi’ is in one movement divided into four short acts.  The total playing time is about 20 minutes. The piece was composed originally for L.P. How, violin, and Pamela Epple, oboe. It was transcribed for clarinet in 2015 and was premiered at Washington Allegro Vivace Ensemble concerts in Bellingham, WA in 2016, Sarah Brown, clarinet, Yvette Holswarth, violin, and Patrick Neher, double bass. This playful work is a big hit with audiences, as it combines humor and virtuosity is a truly distinctive form. Order it from the double bass in ensemble pages at ISG Publications: isgpublications.com